Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Supercharge Your Practice

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Today’s guest post comes from Lidia Hovhan of Omnicor Agency. As someone who is in a deep dive, daily to marketing and business development — it’s always nice to hear the message from a compatriot in the shared area of focus. Take it away, Lidia!

At present, a growing number of people are using the internet to search for answers to their health problems instead of going to a hospital or even seeing a doctor. To enable your healthcare practice to survive these times, you need to plan and implement effective healthcare marketing strategies that will supercharge your practice. 

Invest in a Professional Website 

Since the battle is now being waged on the internet, it is there you should go. Don’t say that you have enough patients to make you happy and that you don’t need to create a website for your practice. You don’t know what will happen in the future. There is no guarantee that your volume of patients will keep on growing. You need to invest in a professional website. 

Building a website is the best you can do for your healthcare practice. A professional web developer should create it. This is the best way for your website to be effective with search engines such as Google, Bing, and the others. It will make your website distinct from your competitors.

Optimize for Search Engines 

The right combination of SEO strategies will make your healthcare website unique and attractive to your target market. They will also differentiate your brand from your competitors. Here are some tips on how you can optimize your website so that they can be friendly to search engines:

  •         Design your website and web pages so that your visitors can navigate them easily.
  •         Use target keywords wisely, in the titles of your content, your CTAs and so forth.
  •         Create content that is informative, relevant and always fresh.
  •         Optimize your website for mobile devices. Most consumers today use their mobiles to search for services and products that they need.
  •         Build quality backlinks. Google examines the quality of your backlinks to rank your website. 

Utilize PPC and Display Ads

Paid digital advertising and display ads directly affect your bottom line. You have to combine PPC and display ads with your search engine optimization to supercharge your practice. Pay-per-click ads enable you to target specific keywords which will get your website near the top 3 results on search engine results pages.

Display ads, on the other hand, build your distinct brand. It helps non-committed website visitors to remember your brand at the time they need you. For instance, a person is searching for a health condition in a medical website when all of a sudden your video advertisement or image come flashing by. 

Create Healthcare Content Marketing Strategy

You have to provide your target market with a steady flow of content. It will help support your brand and earn patient loyalty. If you develop a content marketing strategy, you will ensure that the work you put in your content marketing will not go to waste. To develop an effective content marketing strategy, follow these tips:

  1. Define your goals and your target market
  2. Find out what is important to your market by interviewing them, conducting surveys, etc.
  3. Make a strategy and content calendar that specifies the fundamental topics and critical messages
  4. Utilized Video Content Marketing
  5. Select the channels you can use for each particular message and the dates by which you will post them on each channel.
  6. Determine the key performance indicators to see if you are achieving your goals.
  7. Regularly monitor and optimize your contents after posting them to ensure that they support your objectives.

Ask for Referral (Implement Doctor Referral Campaigns) 

Regardless of the volume of your patients, you still need to attract new patients. This is a continuing task for healthcare services. One way of getting referrals is by contacting fellow physicians via email or using a Physician liaison officer who will maintain relationships with other doctors call on them and encourage referrals to your practice.  Another effective way is to continue building relationships with other doctors to earn their confidence and trust.

Use Unique Branding 

It will be easy for your target audience to identify you from among a whole host of healthcare providers if you use a unique branding. How do you create a unique branding? Here are some tips:

  1.     Create a positioning statement

This is a statement that clearly defines your unique value proposition or your unique selling proposition. You should be able to answer the question of a prospective patient – “Why you and not your competitors?”

  1.     Deliver what you have promised

Once you are able to uniquely position yourself, you need to walk the talk. Deliver what you promised. 

Use Social Media to Build Your Brand Online 

Social media will bring more traffic to your website and it will also strengthen your connections with your target market. Along with video marketing statistics, consider these social media statistics: according to Pew Research, 74 percent of internet users are active on social media.

 A majority of these people, about 80 percent of them, are searching for health information. Almost half of these 80 percent are looking for information about a health professional or a certain doctor.  Use social media to attract these people.

 Integrate Email Marketing with your Content Strategy

 If you combine email marketing with your content strategy, you will fuel the two and achieve greater results. Here are some ways you can do this.

  1.     Break your subscribers into different categories such as age, gender, location, and interests.
  2.     Ask your subscribers what kind of content they want to read on your site.
  3.     Send your directed contents to your respective subscribers and encourage or persuade them to share your contents on social media
  4.     Use only one brand voice in all your contents so that your subscribers will not be confused.

If you want to supercharge your healthcare practice, you need to implement the right digital marketing strategies. Follow all the tips discussed in this article and you will be able to hit your business goals this year.

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