Featured Clinician: Timothy R. Turner

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I am a native of Lawrence, KS and completed my undergraduate education at Kansas State University. I am pursuing a Doctor of Physical Therapy from the University of Kansas Medical Center, where I was also able to complete an accelerated MBA program through the University of Kansas School of Business.
I was introduced to physical therapy as a high school athlete and did not understand the value of our profession until I was fully immersed in the patient experience. From that experience, I set my sites on becoming a physical therapist so that I could impact people the same way my physical therapist helped me. My undergraduate education in athletic training and supplementation with gerontology and exercise science helped me understand that there are more populations that physical therapy can reach than I intially anticipated. It took until PT school for me to finally realize the true breadth of our profession and how many people we can reach with our capabilities. From home evaluations and set up for patients, to high end performance for athletes and palliative comfort programs for patients with chronic disease, physical therapy can do much more that what the public sees on the surface.
My main goal for the APTA Centennial Scholars Program through the Private Practice Section is to spread the knowledge and understanding of how impactful physical therapy and movement can be for the human experience, and that small business can be an avenue that reaches the society in which we aim to transform through movement and health.
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Editor in Chief, PhysicalTherapist.com

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